Hatha Yoga – Moderate
Hatha yoga refers to a set of physical exercises (known as asanas or postures), and sequences of asanas, designed to align your skin, muscles, and bones. The postures are also designed to open the many channels of the body—especially the main channel, the spine—so that energy can flow freely. Eric Love teaches a moderate blend of yoga postures, movement, and breathing techniques. He finishes his classes with pranayama (yogic breathing techniques) and a short meditation.
This is a great class for experiencing and learning to incorporate all aspects of yoga into your personal practice. A soothing and enlivening experience to balance body, mind, and spirit.
Eric has been teaching and studying yoga for more than 25 years. He seamlessly incorporates his ever deepening understanding of philosophy, pranayama, and meditation into his classes. Eric is a uniquely clear and systematic teacher, with a level of excitement about Yoga that gives buoyancy to the postures. He teaches a balanced class, incorporating posture flows in the vinyasa style, with an emphasis on the coordination of breath and movement. The effect is an enjoyable class that is thorough and deep without being too difficult.
Eric Love
Eric has been teaching and studying yoga for more than 35 years. He seamlessly incorporates his ever deepening understanding of philosophy, pranayama, and meditation into his classes. Eric is a uniquely clear and systematic teacher, with a level of excitement about Yoga that gives buoyancy to the postures. He teaches a balanced class, incorporating posture flows in the vinyasa style, with an emphasis on the coordination of breath and movement. The effect is an enjoyable class that is thorough and deep without being too difficult.