Home Letting Love Flow Again

Letting Love Flow Again

In an ideal world, love flows smoothly from one generation to the next, but we
all know that that rarely is the case. Traumas, wounds, and other challenging
experiences that we or our ancestors faced may surface in our lives as patterns
of behaviors and/or emotions that obstruct the free flow of love and joy that
life offers. These inherited patterns can be cleared in constellation work by
integrating past hurts and releasing the ghosts of that past.

What: Family constellations work is a unique method of ancestral
healing that addresses transgenerational trauma transmission.

Why: If you sense that some of your current issues have their roots
in the past and you would like more love and joy in your life, it may
be time to look to the past. In this workshop we invite participants to
bring issues that they struggle with. We may not be able to address
everyone’s personal issue, but we will be able to do several
constellations as well as exercises that will give all the opportunity to
witness the depth and magic of this healing approach.

How: These workshops offer an environment where individuals are
encouraged to tune into their own inner wisdom and participate at
the level that is appropriate for them.

9:30 am – 5 pm each day, November 16th & 17th, 2024

Full: $395.00
Saturday only: $200.00
*’Sunday only’ not available

The event is finished.


Nov 16 - 17 2024


9:30 am - 5:00 pm


Full :$395.00 | Saturday only: $200.00


Venture Way Collaborative
200 Venture Way, Hadley, MA 01035


Inner Arts Institute
Inner Arts Institute

At the Inner Arts Institute, we offer and teach traditional therapeutic and indigenous healing methods that build the capacity to live with strength, love, and authenticity as individuals, families, and communities.


  • Samvedam Randles
    Samvedam Randles

    Samvedam Randles, LMHC Psychologist, Trainer & Superviso, is a psychologist, group facilitator, and trainer in Boston, where she founded the Inner Arts Institute. Samvedam has offered workshops and trainings for over 20 years. Samvedam has a private therapy practice, trains Breathwork facilitators and Family Constellations facilitators, and enjoys working with individual clients and leading groups into beautiful natural settings to experience new ways of connecting to the Self and Spirit. She also serves as a supervisor to therapists in training.

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