Letting Love Flow Again: A Family Constellations Workshop
If you would like more love and joy in your life, it may be time to look at what prevents or
obstructs that flow in your life.
Family constellations is a unique method of ancestral healing, that addresses transgenerational
trauma transmission. Experience a new freedom to choose your own creativity on your life path
with this weekend workshop.
This approach helps you:
– Arrive more fully with presence and shape a positive forward movement in your life
– Gain a new perspective on family disturbances that might lead to major shifts
– Find peace and acceptance of your situation when it is seen in a much larger picture
This powerful approach has changed many people’s lives and helped families find more peace and love.
Samvedam has been facilitating constellation work for over 20 years and has trained new facilitators for 8 years.
We invite practitioners in the healing arts to join us at half price to experience this transformative work.
When: 9:30am – 5pm, February 15th & 16th
Where: Venture Way Collaborative, Hadley, MA
Cost: Saturday & Sunday- $395.00; Saturday only- $200.00 (‘Sunday only’ not available)
Samvedam Randles
Samvedam Randles, LMHC Psychologist, Trainer & Superviso, is a psychologist, group facilitator, and trainer in Boston, where she founded the Inner Arts Institute. Samvedam has offered workshops and trainings for over 20 years. Samvedam has a private therapy practice, trains Breathwork facilitators and Family Constellations facilitators, and enjoys working with individual clients and leading groups into beautiful natural settings to experience new ways of connecting to the Self and Spirit. She also serves as a supervisor to therapists in training.